The main problem was the sheer size of the investment you needed to make to access the best prices - and there were extra complications with integrity and storage too.
Direct access to the very best prices
- BullionVault.com changes all this. It enables people from all over the world to own professional market gold and keep it in any quantity in officially recognized bullion vaults in London (UK), New York (USA), or Zurich (Switzerland).
- All BullionVault gold is held in Good Delivery form. So when you come to sell, your buyer is able to trust the purity and weight of your gold, which is guaranteed by BullionVault itself because we know that you never had the chance to corrupt it.
- So the dealing spread is typically 0.4%, about one-tenth of the equivalent cost charged to private customers for gold coins and small bars.
- You can buy just a small portion of a 400-ounce bar. You can trade on-line in increments as small as 1 gram - currently about $30.
- BullionVault is not a unit trust / mutual. There is no 5% front end subscription load. When buying gold you pay a commission whose maximum rate is 0.8%, falling progressively when you invest above $30,000 to the spectacularly low rate of 0.02%.
- Storage charges are down to wholesale rates of 0.12% pa ($4 per month minimum) with insurance included. That's less than a tenth of the storage fees charged by retail banks, and less than one-third the annual fees charged by typical exchange-traded gold funds (ETFs).
- BullionVault customers also save money because they deal directly with each other, willing seller to willing buyer, by using our order board.
- You make a further big saving at settlement time too. You don't have to arrange for expensive armoured courier bullion collections.
BullionVault Registration

To register go to the main page of BullionVault. On it you have to enter your own user name. I will use a fictional user name to go through these steps.
BullionVault Registration Form

As you can see, I've entered my details, the user name I want to use, my own email address and a decent password. Next you have type over the three random numbers or letters that are generated. That is done to make sure it is a real person doing the registration and not a computer program. Last, you need to agree with the terms and conditions and you can submit the form.
Registration Completed

After clicking submit you will be brought to this screen confirming you your account was successfully created. Congratulations! You have made your first steps to becoming an actual gold trader. Now click on login to enter your details.
BullionVault Login

Fill in your user name and password.
BullionVault Account Balance

After securely logging in to BullionVault you will be taken to the Account Balance screen from which you can see you current balance in the currency in which you made the deposit of course. From this screen you can pretty much do everything from watching the prices, charts, buy gold, sell gold, deposit funds and basically everything one needs to trade gold.
BullionVault Markets

Clicking on the markets button brings you on the screen where you buy or sell gold. It shows the best bids and the best offers. Trading gold was never this easy. Those interested in doing a bit of trading and not knowing how then I suggest checking out BullionVault. They also have a pretty detailed help page and a help demo which guides you through everything.

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